Barb Robinson


Solutions Engineer


Kansas City


10 Years

Barb Robinson photo 2

Employee Spotlight Interview with Barb Robinson

In your own words, what is your role at ACP/Verticomm?

I am a Solutions Engineer. I work with our Sales Executives assisting customers with solutions that help their offices overcome complex issues within their environment's IT infrastructure. I also assist with implementation of the solution.

How long have you been with ACP/Verticomm?

I have been an employee of ACP/Verticomm for over 10 years.

Describe where you grew up and how it's special to you.

I grew up north of Springfield, Missouri on a 280 acre farm. My parents had a dairy farm. My brother and I both assisted our parents milking the cattle as well as planting and gathering crops to sustain the cattle. I believe that is what established my work ethic. It also gave me a love of horses!

What are some of your favorite ways to spend the weekend?

My fiancé and I work out. Our goal is 5 miles. We spend time with our family, go to the lake with friends, love to travel and enjoy nice dinners.

What's your taste in music like? Do you listen to it while you work?

I like the "new" country music. I do not listen while I work. But I do listen while I work out.

Do you have any special talents or a hobby you'd like to try?

I don't think I have any special talents. I do want to take up golf as my fiancé loves to play. A lot of our friends play as well. I plan on taking lessons.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

It would be mind reading. That would assist in knowing exactly what our customers are thinking and if we are hitting the mark with understanding their needs.

Where would you go on your dream vacation?

We did Italy and Greece last fall. I love Italy so would like to rent a flat and stay there a month!

Do you have any kids? If so, what's your favorite part about being a parent?

I have 3 daughters, 3 son-in-laws, 7 grandchildren, 1 grand son-in-law and 2 great grandchildren. Wow. Keeps me busy. My favorite part is seeing them grow up and be strong, successful adults with good ethics.

Do you have a go-to productivity method?

I do a lot of quarterly business reviews with our Sales Executives and clients. I find these extremely helpful in discovering issues they face. Any face-to-face interaction with our clients is always productive.

What do you like most about working at ACP?

After working with large manufacturers for 20 years I really appreciate the close work environment at ACP. We have access to discussions with our VPs and with our owner. We can communicate with anyone in our company to discuss issues, congratulate employees on accomplishments or just say hello. My work associates have become more than that. They are also my friends.

How have you grown professionally since starting at ACP?

I did come to ACP with 20 years of experience. However, technology constantly changes. ACP is always open to allowing us to gain more experience by taking advantage of training offered by our manufacturers and VARs. This proves very helpful in staying up to date with technology so we can better assist our clients and grow professionally.

If you could become an expert on any topic in an instant, what would it be?

Microsoft Azure. I have taken a Microsoft Azure class but could definitely become much more proficient. We are definitely seeing a shift from premise-based solutions to Cloud!